Through the churches of HMBA, we are constantly striving for Kingdom advancement. The reality is that funds are needed to carry out the mission. Whether it is supporting our staff, training pastors, coming alongside churches to bring about health or supporting partnership ministries, we desire to be the best stewards we can with the gifts that are given.

As part of the Heart of Missouri Baptist Association, each church is asked to join others in supporting the association financially. Paul shows us an example of this in his second letter to the Corinthian church.

 “For they gave according to their means, as I can testify, and beyond their means, of their own accord, begging us earnestly for the favor of taking part in the relief of the saints— and this, not as we expected, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us."

2 Corinthians 8:3-5 ESV

Gifts to the association are not limited to church giving. We also know that there are times when individuals have a desire to contribute to the work taking place. Through this portal, you can designate how you would like to bless a mission or a ministry in our Association.  

Mailing Checks

Reminder that the address to send checks is: 4838 Meadow Lark Lane, Columbia, MO 65201. Please make checks payable to: Heart of Missouri Baptist Association. If you are giving directly to a fund, please put that in the memo line of the check.

If you are giving to support the Camp Cedar Crest Board, we highly encourage you to continue to do so, but it will be more beneficial for them if you send the checks directly to them. The Camp Cedar Crest Board address is: P.O. Box 542, Mexico, MO 65265 .

Thank you for partnering with us to advance the Kingdom of Christ!